Dr. Kenney’s Friday 5 Spot – April 19th

Dr. Kenney’s Friday 5 Spot – April 19th

Dr. Kenney’s Friday 5 Spot – April 19th 640 480 Matt Kenney

Dr. Kenney’s Friday 5 Spot

On Fridays I like to share experiences I’ve had during the week with patients and in my personal life that I’ve found significant.  I like to share them in hopes that you might find value in them and have something resonate with you in your life.

A recent experience.  Last weekend, I took my bike out on some unfamiliar backcountry trails.  About an hour into the ride, it became apparent that I was lost.  I made what I felt was a course correction but ended up even more astray.  I was in no rush or danger, so I wasn’t worried, however I did need to get home eventually.  Therefore, I stopped worrying about the specific routes/turns I was taking, and simply focused on heading in the general direction I needed.  My reasoning was that if I could at least proceed there, the specifics could fall into place, and I’d be fine.  Sure enough, after a while of doing this, I found the correct signage, spoke to another rider, and eventually found my way.  There is a basic lesson here I feel is applicable to life.

Often in life we find ourselves lost and unsure of where to go or how to proceed.  During these times we can feel incredibly overwhelmed and stressed.  The best thing we can do in these instances is simply pick one action that feels like it at least points us in the right direction and follow it.  In other words, just do the next single thing right.  For example, eating a healthy meal, performing a workout, having a conversation with someone, seeking help, not spending money on something, or any number of things.  A minimal step in the correct direction makes the path forward clearer.  Then additional progress can be made, and solutions found.  It all begins, however, by doing one right thing that points you in the correct direction.

Something I believe.  There is a well-known saying that states, “In the absence of leadership, people will follow anyone.”  I believe this to be true and treat it as a warning in my own life.  I am expected to lead as a father, husband, business owner, doctor, coach, and in other capacities as well.  Being domineering or harsh is not my goal, instead it is to provide direction, assistance, information, motivation, and knowledge.  If I fail to do so, I expect that guidance will come from someone/something else and provide lessons I may not agree with such as laziness, lack of morals, unethical actions, and more.

Leadership is not a one-time event; it involves assuming responsibility and placing yourself in a position to assist others while accepting the stress and criticism that comes with it.  Styles of leadership can vary, but the responsibility that comes with it does not.  If you are in a role of leadership, understand how important you are, and that people will be affected by your actions.  Furthermore, realize that anytime you fail in your duties as a leader, something potentially damaging is likely to fill that vacuum so be careful.

An amazing lesson I learned.  I used to be petrified to perform any sort of public speaking.  It would stress me out more than I can express, and none of my personality would come through because I was so scared.  Early in my chiropractic career, my boss used to make me schedule health-related public speaking events.  At one such event, I ended up presenting to twelve people from a local Baptist church.  I began my talk hesitantly as always but had the courage to go off script a couple times and was shocked at how well it was received.  When I finished that talk an hour later, I received a standing ovation to my surprise.  One of the attendees also told me, “I know you were nervous, but you did amazing, and next time, let your personality come through even more, people want that.”  That evening served as an amazing lesson for me.

That event showed me the power of other people believing in me, even when I didn’t necessarily believe in myself.  The encouragement and energy I received from a group of strangers gave me the confidence to open up and be who I was.  Since that time, I have done my best to pay it forward in my interactions with my children, wife, patients, kids I coach, and more.  Showing them that I believe in them is hopefully a kindling that ignites a fire of self-confidence.  Even one person believing in you can become transformative and lead to successes you never dreamed possible.

Something I hear often.  In these 5 Spots, I often talk about my routines, waking up early, training, nutrition, and the like.  Something I hear regularly from people is “Well, if I had your schedule, I’d probably do that too” or “If you had my schedule, you wouldn’t be doing any of that.”  It is common to believe that people achieving what you are not, have advantages that you don’t have.  The weight is given to circumstances rather than an individual’s drive, determination, or hard work.  This is an inaccurate way of thinking.

Nothing about me is special.  I have the same basic gifts as most, have a large family with obligations, a career/business that requires constant attention and energy, volunteer positions that take time, and minimal free time.  What sets me (and people like me) apart is simply that I prioritize what is important and make sure I get it done.  It wouldn’t matter what my schedule was, I would still get it accomplished, that I can assure you.  Therefore, anytime we feel like we’re not as blessed with time, resources, abilities, etc., we need to stop ourselves.  Instead of focusing on this, we should apply our efforts to whatever we have to work with and find a way to become successful.


Some quotes I Love.

“The lesson comes before the blessing.” – Inky Johnson

“We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong.  The amount of work is the same.” – Carlos Castaneda

“Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen.  It gives assurance about things we cannot see.”

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