On Fridays I like to share experiences I’ve had during the week with patients and in my personal life that I’ve found significant. I like to share them in hopes that you might find value in them and have something resonate with you in your life.
Something important. Have you ever argued passionately about a subject with someone only to discover you were wrong? How did you handle it? Did you admit you were not right and move on? Or did you double down on what you said knowing you were dead wrong?
It is never fun to be incorrect, but it happens to all of us. When we’re mistaken, the pro-level move is to say we are wrong, make whatever amends/changes that are necessary, and then move on. Far too often in our society, government, and individual interactions; however, we double down on mistakes out of ego and an unwillingness to admit fault. In these instances, we compound the issue by continuing to fight even when we know we’re wrong. That is the amateur move.
If you’re wrong, you don’t have to celebrate it. However, saying “my bad” and trying to correct your mistakes will earn you far more respect (including self-respect), than continuing to battle when you know you’re in the wrong.
Something I learned about. Parkinson’s Law is a concept that whatever amount of time we assign to a task is what we tend to use to complete it. As an example, if you tell yourself that you need three days to clean your basement, it will take three days to finish it, but might have only required one. If you think you’ll need 12 weeks to get ready for a half marathon, Parkinson’s Law says that you will use 12, even if 8 would suffice or be better.
I believe Parkinson’s Law to be accurate but whenever possible, I try to go against it. If we trim wasted time, sub-maximal effort, etc. from our approach, we can often do what is expected to take a long while, in a fraction of that time. For example, I used to take 45 minutes to an hour to complete my weight workouts when I was younger. Now, I have condensed that to 20-25 minutes by removing wasted time and increasing my intensity. I use less time and get better results this way.
I recently heard someone say that when it comes to goals, decide how long you think it will take to achieve, then cut that time in half. Making your timeframe’s tighter leads you to improve procedures, increase focus, waste less time, and up the intensity. This leads to greater and faster progress.
Something I liked. I was at a wedding recently and the officiant marrying the couple said many wonderful things. One thing that stood out to me was some advice he gave the couple, “Pay attention to the little things because little things are the big things.”
I find that statement to be true in relationships, business, athletics, coaching, and so much more. When you pay attention and attend to the details others may not, you become far more invested and connected to the endeavor, person, and/or interaction involved. Paying attention to the little things takes effort, but that effort can pay enormous dividends for anything and everything in life that you can imagine.
Something I related to. My wife and I have been watching “Tournament of Champions,” a cooking competition on Food Network. One of my favorite competitors has been a chef that is incredibly intense. When introduced to the crowd, he walks out more like it’s a fight then time to cook. He is incredibly intense, doesn’t joke around, and performs to an elevated level. Once it’s over, he accepts either victory or defeat with class and shows profound respect to his opponent.
To some, they might think it odd to be that intense about cooking food. I do not agree. To me, it is never just about food, coaching, running, business, or anything else. If I take the time to compete or get involved in something, than I am playing for keeps. I will give it absolutely everything I have and am often far more intense than those around me. My main opponent is always myself and the goal is to maximize my performance; nothing more. Once it’s over, I can return to my normal, happy self but in the moment, I can’t help but be intense. When you care, give it all you have because anything less is an insult.
Some quotes I love.
“What separates the elite is not their rise, but their response. Never crown a king, team, or organization until the have been battle tested.” – Inky Johnson
“Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.” – Margaret Mead
“Keep chasing your goals whether you are alone, broke, tired, or scared. Keep going.”
“The challenges you face introduce you to your strengths.” – Epictetus
“The greatest compliment I could ever receive as a father of my children is that they’re coachable. That’s the single greatest skill set I could teach them – to listen, learn, and apply.” – Ryan Michler
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