I am a huge fan of using quotes for inspiration to help me achieve greater happiness and success within my personal life, business and athletic endeavors. Today I’d like to share 4 quotes that continue to inspire me and why.
1. “Action expresses priority”. This is a quote from Ghandi I ran across years ago that I think of often. I don’t care what you are trying to achieve – whether it’s making more money, being more competitive in a sport or landing a date with a pretty girl; it will take action. Ultimately the effort you apply to your goal will determine whether or not you succeed. If you really want something, begin laying out the steps necessary to attain it and then start making it happen!
2. “Don’t let a win get to your head or a loss to your heart”. Like most people, I’ve had some enormous victories in my life as well as some extremely low points. This quote is my reminder to try and always keep myself on an even keel. When things are going very well for me I’ve learned to appreciate those blessings but never to be arrogant or selfish about those successes. Conversely, if I encounter difficulties I don’t feel sorry for myself or act as if they’ll continue forever; I just accept that it’s part of a cycle and move forward. Being able to enjoy good things and deal with the bad things without changing who you are as a person is extremely valuable.
3. “Run when you can, walk if you must, crawl if you have to; just never quit”. I think of this quote often while out on long runs or during grueling workouts. Aside from the motivation it provides to me physically however, I also feel that it applies to everyday life. There are times when life does “run” along in amazing fashion – new jobs, bigger raises, new relationships, etc. Sometimes our life proceeds more like a “walk” and brings a mix of good and bad. Finally, there are times when we feel like we’re “crawling” through difficulties such as losing a job, divorce or the loss of a loved one. This quote helps remind me to enjoy my life and maximize my opportunities while realizing that at times things may slow down or even become extremely difficult. Regardless of where I’m at in those phases I maintain a focus on the big picture and keep moving forward, refusing to ever be beaten or to give up.
4. “All the money in the world can’t buy back good health”. As a chiropractor I see a variety of people every day spread throughout the spectrum of health; from excellent to terrible. The constant among those in excellent health is that they are always proactive in their decisions and happy with their results. Conversely, those with poor health are often regretful at the poor choices they’ve made and where it has landed them. This quote reminds me to always strive for great health because when it’s gone it can be difficult or often impossible to recapture. In order to maximize my health and the enjoyment it brings to all aspects of life I will always strive to eat well, think well, exercise and continue the holistic care that has served me so well for so many years (chiropractic, acupuncture and massage mainly). Knowing how successful this formula can be I also recommend my patients do the same for themselves.
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