On Fridays I like to share experiences I’ve had during the week with patients and in my personal life that I’ve found significant. I like to share them in hopes that you might find value in them and have something resonate with you in your life.
Something I follow. There is a quote from Joe DiMaggio that I encountered years ago that continues to stick with me, “The reporter asked, “why did you play so hard.” “Because there might have been somebody in the stands today who’d never seen my play before and might never see me again.” I find this poignant because it is a reminder that someone is always looking at the example we set (or do not set).
I use the premise of this quote as a guideline for how I behave as a father, husband, doctor, coach, athlete, and more. If someone were watching my behavior for the first time right now, would they think I set a high standard and good example? There are times when that is not the case, and I become determined to correct it. When I feel I have met the standard and set a good example, then I try to focus on setting an even better one.
Something I find helpful. When I was a kid, our cable TV had 6-7 stations and we all knew when our favorite shows would be on. Today, there are so many options when you turn on your TV or streaming service, you often scroll for 10 or 15 minutes trying to find exactly the right show. When someone recommends a show to you these days, they must also tell you where and how to watch it. Options are great, but they do tend to complicate things at times.
That is why I like to limit my options whenever possible to increase productivity. I wake up every day between 4:30 – 5am without an alarm. Half the time I want to stay in bed, but never give myself the option of hitting snooze or lying there. As far as workouts are concerned, I just start them (whether I feel like it or not) so I don’t offer myself the choice to skip. In business, I have a lot to accomplish each day, so I never allow myself the option of going online and wasting time doing nothing. Simplify your options and you will find your productivity improves.
A great reminder. I got a text from a former player that I coached in football. I coached him from age 9 through 12 and he blossomed into one of the best players I have ever had. He has thanked me multiple times for helping to build his confidence, and I continue to be proud of his development as a player and person.
On Saturday, he finished his high school season and sent me a nice text message. He was excited about something he’d done in his game and was grateful that he’d first learned those skills when I coached him. It meant a great deal to me to hear this from him. It was also a great reminder of the honor and responsibility that comes with coaching kids. How you treat them can have a positive or negative impact later. The kids I coach often emulate what I (and my other coaches) teach them, so we strive to remember that in our behavior, work ethic, habits, points of emphasis, and more.
An effective test. Is there a goal you are trying to achieve personally, professionally, physically, or mentally? If so, there is a simple test you can use to determine whether you are growing toward it or away from it. At the end of each day, look back at how you spent your time that day. Did you do anything to further that goal? If so, did you dedicate the appropriate amount of time and effort?
This test helps build the tool of self-assessment and accountability. As an example, if you are trying to grow your business but look back and realize you spent more time scrolling social media than you did working on your business, you failed the test. Conversely, if you are trying to lose weight and look back on your day and realize you worked out, went on a walk, and ate healthy foods; you passed. Grade yourself out at the end of each day, it creates more accountability and leads to better results.
Some quotes I love.
“In spite of your fear, do what you have to do.” – Chin-Ning Chu
“While genetics loads the gun, it’s your inner and outer environment that pulls the trigger. There is indisputable evidence now that no longer allows us to use ‘genetics’ as a crutch for our mental and physical illness. The food you eat, the people you eat it with, and the TV that’s playing in the background all effect your health and well-being.” – Mandy Trapp
“You know what you have to do, you just have to make it a priority.”
“How others see you is not important. How you see yourself means everything.”
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