Dr. Kenney’s Friday 5 Spot
On Fridays I like to share some of the experiences I’ve had during the week with patients and in my personal life that I’ve found significant in some way. I like to share them in hopes that you might find value in them and have something resonate with you in your life.
A great reminder to me as a chiropractor. Last week I started having some nasty upper back pain. It began without any specific incident and quickly escalated from annoying to extremely painful. I finished coaching football last Thursday night and began having severe muscle spasms which made things even more problematic. I was able to fight through it and see patients the next day (and no one noticed I’m proud to say!) but it was annoying.
As a chiropractor, though I don’t love this I always feel it’s important to remember how so many of my patients are feeling when they come to see me…crappy. Furthermore, it’s also good to be reminded that the healing process can take some time. It took multiple treatments and diligent self-care before I was back to where I wanted to be. Was I aggravated that it didn’t go away instantly like so many of my patients can be? Of course, but my body didn’t care and needed time. All in all, it was a good reminder that it’s no fun to be in pain, healing takes time, and the right natural treatments and self-care can be amazing for recovering even from some of our worst pain!
A simple lesson on accountability. After a great 4-year reign, my beloved Garmin running watch finally died. Aside from all the training runs and races, I relied on it for tracking my steps. I always enjoyed competing with myself and seeing how active my days were (in 4 years I missed my step goal twice – once for an injury and once 100 steps short after I fell asleep the day my daughter was born!) Anyway, I ordered a new watch, and it took a few days to arrive, so I went a couple days without tracking those steps. I noticed in that time that I was less diligent about being on my feet and active as much. I had an excuse and was holding myself less accountable than I normally would in that regard.
This is a simple example, but the premise is crucial. There will always be some reason to tell ourselves we can do a little less, decrease intensity, skip things, or lose focus. When this happens occasionally it’s not a big deal. However, it can be a slippery slope and long-formed, solid routines can quickly disappear. I talk to patients every week that worked out for years who have then gone months or years before returning to exercise for example. Don’t allow pointless excuses sidetrack you and prevent you from achieving your goals.
Opportunity or excuse? I’ve had several interactions this week that brought up a very distinct point that I find significant. In general, these are what they sounded like:
“I’ve gained a lot of weight because of COVID.”
“My schedule was less hectic, so I’ve gotten back into good shape during COVID.”
“I was scared about COVID, so I haven’t really done anything.”
“I was worried about COVID, so I wanted to start eating better, moving more and getting healthier.”
As I said, I’ve heard these types of statements many times – often about health or business. The reason I find it significant is because it drives home the point that the exact same situation will be an opportunity to some and an excuse for others. If you have the mindset that you will succeed no matter what, most situations are likely to present as opportunities for you. Conversely, if you are the type to make excuses, most situations are likely to present to you as more reasons not to do something. Things are not always ideal or easy and you may not be able to directly control every situation, but you can command how you react to it.
Are you consistent? I heard an ex-NFL player giving advice to rookies the other day and he told them “be the same guy every day.” He meant to bring the same work ethic, habits, etc. to work each day. This resonated with me because one of my goals is to always be consistent – with my routine, in my temperament, how I treat people, etc. Maintaining consistency has helped me in my personal relationships, as a father, athlete, business owner, coach and so much more. Stay consistent and be the same person every day!
Some quotes I love.
“It’s no longer our job to awaken the sheep. It’s time to awaken the other lions.” – Brian Warren
“If you just root for people and expect nothing in return you can’t lose!” – Jesse Itzler
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- Don’t forget to follow Dr. Kenney on Instagram @Coloradochiropractor
- To see previous Friday 5 Spots, visit www.newbodychiro.com and go to “blog”
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