I interact with hundreds of patients each week and get asked a lot of questions. On Fridays I like to share some of the answers I give and hope it has value for you.
Something I’m eating? I enjoy eating quinoa (pronounced keen-wah for those that don’t know). Usually I’ll make a pot of it using vegetable broth as the liquid. Then throughout the week I’ll put some in a bowl and add chopped up veggies, avocado, walnuts, kale chips, chia seeds, feta cheese, kalamata olives or any number of different things to it. I also sometimes eat it for breakfast with berries, walnuts, almonds, cinnamon and fresh honey on top.
A recent observation? On Saturday of the Thanksgiving holiday weekend my two older sons were playing a lot of video games and began to aggravate each other easily. This is unusual for them, so I asked them if they’d like me to put them through a short workout. We went to the garage and I had them doing some simple but tiring stuff for probably 15 minutes. After those 15 minutes they were like different kids – relaxed, more patient and calm. Our bodies produce a lot of energy each day. With physical activity we can burn through the portion that hinders us, makes us anxious, less productive, etc. Once that occurs, we are then able to be more driven, productive and energetic.
A common chiropractic question I receive? “Why does my spine go out of place?” I receive this question daily. The spine can certainly suffer immediate traumas that cause it to misalign such as slips and falls, sports injuries and car accidents. And those traumas can also make us more sensitive to misalignments later in life (depending on the severity and whether they lead to arthritic changes or not). Most commonly though, misalignments of the spine come from what I call micro-traumas – posture, gait, sleeping position, ergonomics, exercise (or lack thereof), too much sitting, not enough stretching, consuming too many inflammatory foods/drinks, etc. With these micro-traumas it is not one specific thing that causes the misalignment but usually rather a buildup and combination of many over time.
Something I recommend everyone do? Once a month I have a friend that I get together with that’s an entrepreneur. We have lunch together in my office and we talk through anything and everything in our business lives (and personal lives as well). He’s a high energy guy like myself so this process really gets me pumped up with ideas, motivation, etc. By the time we finish lunch each of us have a bunch of ideas to explore and motivation to as well. I think it’s important to have someone like this to meet up with that inspires you in some way (and/or that you inspire as well). Talking to positive, motivated people is an excellent way to fuel progress in any endeavor.
Quote I love: “Every next level of your life requires a new version of you.” – Inky Johnson
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