Dr Matthew Kenney

Are you committed to a great outcome? Ask yourself these 4 questions.

Are you committed to a great outcome? Ask yourself these 4 questions. 150 150 Matt Kenney

In life there are goals we know we can reach and those that we have a desire to reach but will not come easily. For the latter there are steps that must be taken and questions that need to be asked if we’re ever to get there. Today I’d like to share 4 steps I…

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What my worst race and your worst day will teach you

What my worst race and your worst day will teach you 150 150 Matt Kenney

I run difficult races often and am used to pushing my limits. I’ve competed in 24 hour events, run ultra-marathons, endured hypothermia and pain. At the end I’m usually left feeling satisfied with my performance. This past weekend I did a race that was different for me. It was a 13.4 mile race that started…

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8 Health Concepts I Want You to Embrace

8 Health Concepts I Want You to Embrace 150 150 Matt Kenney

1. Seek to thrive, not just survive. I remember someone telling me when I was in my early 20’s that you never wanted to be the guy just getting by. Do some soul searching, find out what you want most out of life and go after those things with everything you have. Set your standards…

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10 Myths about Back Pain

10 Myths about Back Pain 150 150 Matt Kenney

Below are 10 myths about back pain I hear repeatedly in practice. 1. A chiropractor will make you worse. I’ll be honest, not every chiropractor is good. As with any profession, there are people that are great and those that aren’t. However, there is nothing dangerous, risky or irreversible in a chiropractic treatment that poses…

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9 Powerful lessons I’ve learned from recent races

9 Powerful lessons I’ve learned from recent races 150 150 Matt Kenney

Below are some of my favorite lessons that I’ve learned while competing in various races over the past 5 years that I feel translate well to everyday life. 1. Feed the beast. People that know me know I love this phrase. Within most of us is a desire to compete and an energy that should…

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5 Ways to live like an athlete even when it’s not game day

5 Ways to live like an athlete even when it’s not game day 150 150 Matt Kenney

As a chiropractor and athlete myself, I regularly treat and interact with people that compete in a multitude of sports. Today I’m sharing 5 common traits among athletes I think we should all embrace to improve our health and quality of life. 1. “Be bulletproof.” This is my term for preventing injuries. Many factors play…

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Want to be successful? Then ask yourself these 5 simple questions (that I’ve learned from books, life and pro wrestling)

Want to be successful? Then ask yourself these 5 simple questions (that I’ve learned from books, life and pro wrestling) 150 150 Matt Kenney

We all define and envision success differently. I believe it’s simply about progressing toward the things we want most in life more so than any certain dollar figure or status. Today I’d like to share 5 questions I think we need to ask ourselves in order to be successful. 1. Will it make the boat…

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10 Ways to improve your daily routine

10 Ways to improve your daily routine 150 150 Matt Kenney

I’m a big fan of routine. Without fail, successful people all have daily routines that keep them productive and energetic. Today I’d like to share examples of things that can help you immediately in your daily routine: 1. Don’t hit snooze. By waking up early you are controlling the day and not allowing it to…

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10 ways to avoid being “THAT GUY”!

10 ways to avoid being “THAT GUY”! 150 150 Matt Kenney

In my younger years back in Boston we had a term for someone that behaved in such a way that it ruined the enjoyment of those around them. There was no worse feeling than to have someone tell you after a night out that you had been “that guy” (allegedly this may have been me…

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Are you sitting 8 hours or more a day? If so, follow these steps…

Are you sitting 8 hours or more a day? If so, follow these steps… 150 150 Matt Kenney

Are you aware that the MOST compressive force you put on your lower back is the seated position? Feel the tops of your hips with your hands and then move toward the spine – from that area downward is where the majority of pressure goes when you sit. Over time this can cause significant health…

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