
7 Tips for facing adversity

7 Tips for facing adversity 150 150 Matt Kenney

Over the last few days I’ve had conversations with several people going through difficult times.  Having gone through such times myself it got me thinking about the ways that were helpful for me in overcoming those times.  Today I’d like to share some of my favorite tips when facing adversity. Don’t be negative. Talking negatively…

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dr. kenney and his boys after a day of football

8 Important lessons I teach my children

8 Important lessons I teach my children 444 567 Matt Kenney

In honor of Father’s Day this weekend I thought today I would like to share some of the lessons that I have found important in raising my two boys. Lead by example.  Saying one thing and then behaving in a way that contradicts those words confuses any message.  Above all else, I strive to show…

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dr. kenney and son running in snow

What I learned about life running with a 9 year old

What I learned about life running with a 9 year old 500 375 Matt Kenney

Months ago my 9 year old son told me that he’d like to do a “challenging race” with me.  Both my sons have run 5K’s and other shorter distance races and have seen me complete some difficult races over the years so it wasn’t too shocking that he’d ask.  Since he’d never run more than…

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What makes a great chiropractor?

What makes a great chiropractor? 150 150 Matt Kenney

Regardless of profession, there will always be things that help you to stand out within your field.  Chiropractic is no different.  Today I would like to share some things my patients tell me helps make the chiropractic experience in our office great. Being a good listener.  I was taught early in chiropractic school that if…

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Skip the “resolutions”, try these instead…

Skip the “resolutions”, try these instead… 150 150 Matt Kenney

The time of New Year’s Resolutions is nearly upon us. Resolutions are often made but rarely kept, usually because there is no series of action steps in place to achieve them. More effective than resolutions are repeatable processes. Below are some of my favorites for creating a better you and a thus a better year.…

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4 Things you should know about your posture

4 Things you should know about your posture 150 150 Matt Kenney

As a chiropractor I assess people’s posture on a daily basis. In fact, I begin each examination with a basic postural evaluation. As I do this, I would estimate that 7 out of 10 people comment on how bad their posture is or has gotten. Today I’d like to discuss 4 crucial points I often…

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7 Ways to Prevent Neck Pain

7 Ways to Prevent Neck Pain 150 150 Matt Kenney

As a chiropractor neck pain is something I deal with daily. As a result I’m frequently asked what can be done to reduce it. Today I’ll discuss 7 things I’ve found most effective for reducing neck pain. 1. Computer ergonomics. Neck muscles are small and designed for regular motion – looking up, down, side to…

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My 10 favorite exercise tips

My 10 favorite exercise tips 150 150 Matt Kenney

1. There is never a perfect time. Whenever I speak to people about exercise I always like to start with this. The longer you wait the tougher it is to get started. Begin today even if it’s just a little something to build your confidence and generate some momentum moving forward. 2. Pain and soreness…

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7 Tips for dealing with tough times

7 Tips for dealing with tough times 150 150 Matt Kenney

Difficult times will happen to us all. They can be emotional, physical, job-related, personal or take many other forms. Below are 7 strategies I’ve found effective for dealing with tough times of any kind. 1. Focus on solutions. Unfortunately life is not a linear curve of happiness and successes. There will be times when things…

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Are you committed to a great outcome? Ask yourself these 4 questions.

Are you committed to a great outcome? Ask yourself these 4 questions. 150 150 Matt Kenney

In life there are goals we know we can reach and those that we have a desire to reach but will not come easily. For the latter there are steps that must be taken and questions that need to be asked if we’re ever to get there. Today I’d like to share 4 steps I…

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