Difficult times will happen to us all. They can be emotional, physical, job-related, personal or take many other forms. Below are 7 strategies I’ve found effective for dealing with tough times of any kind.
1. Focus on solutions. Unfortunately life is not a linear curve of happiness and successes. There will be times when things will just not go right. Rather than dwelling too much on emotions, think about and focus on solutions.
2. Don’t quit. When facing difficult circumstance there is a temptation to quit or stop giving the same effort. Many great accomplishments are won by attrition – so refuse to stop showing up and giving all you have because you never know when things will suddenly turn in your favor.
3. Remember your why. Tough times are road blocks on the way to fulfilling goals – weight loss, happiness, promotions, sobriety, etc. To prevent yourself from quitting, never forget why you’re going after that goal. One of my most powerful “whys” are my children – as long as the goal involves helping them or being a better role model for them than nothing stops me.
4. Compartmentalize and prioritize. Tough times often involve the buildup of many things happening at once, leading to a daunting feeling of having too much to handle. I find it best to pick the most important task and give it all I have until it’s completed (if possible). During that time I give no thought to the other tasks on my plate because it will only distract my focus and efficiency.
5. Take a time out. When we’re facing difficult circumstances there is a tendency to carry negative feelings with us like baggage. In order to avoid having these feelings overwhelm us, it is important to have some place or some time to get away from them. For me, when I’m with my two sons I refuse to let outside stresses affect our time together. Secondly, I use long runs as a way to clear my head and get away for a while.
6. Focus on a reward. Sometimes the best way to get you through a tough time is to focus on some sort of prize at the end. This past weekend I ran a grueling 31 mile race and was in pain for much of it. To keep me moving forward I focused on how I would enjoy myself after the race – eating a certain food, going to see a movie I’d been dying to see and watching football and relaxing the next day. Rewarding yourself can make enduring tough times easier.
7. Get a new perspective. When we’re feeling overwhelmed our world can feel microscopic. This leads to a limited perspective and too much time in our own heads. I’ve found helpful to have someone I trust to act as a sounding board and then give me an objective opinion. More often than not, their honest feedback helps shift me back into a big picture focus.
Dr. Kenney has won multiple awards for “Best Chiropractor” and specializes in helping patients achieve their goals of better health and pain relief. For more information please visit www.NewBodyChiro.com, find us on Facebook (New Body Chiropractic & Wellness Center) or call (303) 347-9906.