Dr. Kenney’s Friday 5 Spot
On Fridays I like to share some of the experiences I’ve had during the week with patients and in my personal life that I’ve found significant in some way. I like to share them in hopes that you might find value in them and have something resonate with you in your life.
Something that resonated with me recently? I was listening to the Joe Rogan podcast and he was interviewing Roy Jones Jr., one of the best boxers of all time. Roy mentioned at one point some of the other great boxers he studied and why he wanted to emulate them. He mentioned Marvin Hagler and praised his consistency. He said, “you got the same Marvin Hagler each and every time.” As simple as this was, it resonated with me and is something I really aspire to in my own life. I try to maintain sound routines and practices so that the quality of my business, body, character, and life always remain the same. I don’t want to be ok sometime and great another, I want to be at or near my best constantly. To do that requires discipline and sacrifice and therefore I greatly value consistency.
An experience I had that teaches a good lesson? Not too long ago I went to dinner with an old friend. Several times during the dinner he told me how lucky I was to be in shape, own my own businesses, etc. Each time I would try to encourage him, he would give me a list of excuses for his woes. Finally, as the dinner was ending, he again went into how lucky I was and how unlucky he was, and I felt frustrated enough that I had to say something. I pointed out that when he ordered unhealthy food at dinner, I did not. I noted that when I mentioned I’d be getting up early the next day to go for a run and workout he told me he liked sleep too much and could never do that. In terms of business, I told him that he had an excellent idea for a business and had the means to do it but chose not to. I ended by telling him that while luck does exist, choices are ultimately what shape our lives. All the choices he made on that evening alone were a microcosm for what was causing the circumstances he didn’t like. I told him I’d love to help him if he wanted but that I would not be being a good friend if I just let him complain time and again that everyone but him was lucky. Good decisions repeated will lead to great results, luck is not the deciding factor for our circumstances.
Something cool I heard this week? I watched a YouTube video this week and the person in the video said one of the best things we can do is to live our life like we are the hero in our own movie. This is amazing advice because no matter where you’re at in your life, this can help you. You can be the hero that overcomes, improves, helps others, learns a lesson, rights a wrong, kicks a bad habit, succeeds in an endeavor, the possibilities are endless. Start by believing you are a character worthy to be in your movie and then craft your story from there!
Some people I look up to? I have quite a few people that I look up to and draw inspiration from. Here are just some of them: David Goggins, Jocko Willink, Les Brown, Eric Thomas, Marcus Luttrell, Cameron Hanes, Tim Kennedy, Ray Care, Wim Hof and others as well!
Some quotes I love?
“At the end of your feelings is nothing, but at the end of every principle is a promise.” – Eric Thomas
“When a bad thin g happens, you can either let it destroy you, define you, or strengthen you. Choose wisely.” – Mark Devine
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