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Matt Kenney

6 tips for stress relief

6 tips for stress relief 150 150 Matt Kenney

6 tips for dealing with stressStress is something that we are all faced to deal with; often on a regular basis. Here are some of my tips for dealing with stress more effectively: 1. Get off your butt. Exercise creates profound physiological changes within the body. Simply going for a walk or hitting the gym…

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Feeling tired? Try these tips to increase your energy…

Feeling tired? Try these tips to increase your energy… 150 150 Matt Kenney

One of the most common symptoms I am asked about by my patients is a lack of energy. Going through life is challenging enough without feeling run down, so here are a few of my tips for increasing your energy. 1. Eat less sugar. When you consume refined sugar (such as in breads, sugary drinks…

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6 Tips for a stronger mind and more productive life

6 Tips for a stronger mind and more productive life 150 150 Matt Kenney

I’m a big believer that one of the most valuable tools a person can possess is a strong mindset. This enables a person to plan effectively, deal with crisis and move forward productively. Like anything else, thinking in a constructive way takes practice. Here are 6 tips I recommend for strengthening your mind. 1. Keep…

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4 Quotes that continue to inspire me in my daily life

4 Quotes that continue to inspire me in my daily life 150 150 Matt Kenney

I am a huge fan of using quotes for inspiration to help me achieve greater happiness and success within my personal life, business and athletic endeavors. Today I’d like to share 4 quotes that continue to inspire me and why. 1. “Action expresses priority”. This is a quote from Ghandi I ran across years ago…

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Are you playing OFFENSE or DEFENSE?

Are you playing OFFENSE or DEFENSE? 150 150 Matt Kenney

In honor of the return of my favorite sport, football I am posing the question – are you playing offense or defense with your health? Offense starts with a definable goal and every action is intended to lead toward the fulfillment of that goal. In terms of health, offense means being proactive. Defense by nature…

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Are you playing OFFENSE or DEFENSE?

Are you playing OFFENSE or DEFENSE? 150 150 Matt Kenney

In honor of the return of my favorite sport, football I am posing the question – are you playing offense or defense with your health? Offense starts with a definable goal and every action is intended to lead toward the fulfillment of that goal. In terms of health, offense means being proactive. Defense by nature…

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Is your body giving you these 5 warning signs?

Is your body giving you these 5 warning signs? 150 150 Matt Kenney

Listening to your body is an important part of achieving great overall health. Below are 5 signs that your body may be prompting you to make a change in order to rebuild your health: 1. You feel less energetic/depressed/moody. There are various reasons this can be the case but my personal belief is that your…

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Exercise tips you should start today

Exercise tips you should start today 150 150 Matt Kenney

  Before becoming a chiropractor, I enjoyed working as a personal trainer and helping people meet their fitness goals. That’s why when patients seek my advice on this topic I’m always happy to help. Here are some of my favorite tips: 1. You absolutely DO have time to exercise! Unless you’re constantly surrounded by a…

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Honest answers to 3 common chiropractic questions

Honest answers to 3 common chiropractic questions 150 150 Matt Kenney

For every business it is crucial to understand the needs and wants of the customer and at New Body Chiropractic & Wellness Center we take the feedback of our patients very seriously. This is why we have created the easiest, hassle free way to see a chiropractor. Below are some of the most praised features…

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5 Lessons I teach my children about health

5 Lessons I teach my children about health 150 150 Matt Kenney

In honor of Father’s Day, I wanted to share some of the lessons that I teach to my young sons about their health both through my words and by example. The great thing about these lessons is that we’re never too old to start using them. 1. Good food is extremely important. My boys regularly…

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