Dr. Kenney’s Friday 5 Spot
I interact with hundreds of patients each week (under normal circumstances, though less during the crisis obviously) and get asked a lot of questions. On Fridays I like to share some of the answers I give and hope it has value for you.
Workouts I have been enjoying? With gyms being closed and most of us not having access to a ton of equipment at home, we must get creative with our workouts. Over the past week, I have been doing “station” workouts where I’ll do one exercise, immediately go to the next, then the next and so on. I do these with non-equipment, some equipment or a combination of both. Normally I will do 5-6 exercises (stations) in succession with no rest and after I have gone through each exercise once, that completes 1 set. Then I will rest 1 minute and run through them again for a total of 5 to 10 sets. Here are some examples from the past week that I’ve done either alone or with my older boys.
Workout 1: 10 burpees 20 hanging leg raises (or any ab exercise), 20 hanging dips (you could also use a chair), 30 air squats, 20 jumping lunge squats and 20 pushups. I did all back to back then after the pushups I rested for 1 minute. Depending on time I’ll do 5-10 times total.
Workout 2 I did with my kids on Saturday: 10 burpees, 30 air squats, 10 pushups, 30 mountain climbers and then walking lunges (total of 10 each leg). Rest 1 minute then repeated 5 times.
Something I’ve been seeing that I love? I run frequently and recently have noticed a lot of new faces. I love seeing this because it means that people are choosing to use their time to start rediscovering their physical side and getting into better shape. Sometimes all it takes is a single workout, a single run or a new experience to light the fire of motivation that can last a lifetime. These are strange times, but I hope for many it’ll be a time they look back on as a positive turning point in their health journey.
A recent cool experience? The day before Easter, I got my 10 year old and 13 year old sons to do a “race” with me that we titled the “ Easter Eve No Quit, Stay Hard, Kenney Men 8 Miler” (second place name was “an 8 mile run” which was not as catchy). We ran carrying an American flag as we often do, and it was an amazing experience. For the last 2 miles we were in view of cars driving by, many of whom would honk for the flag. Then, as we got back onto our street my 19-month-old son ran the remaining couple blocks with us and was very excited to do so. I always enjoy setting things up like this for my boys where we take something simple and turn it into something fun!
Your wife is pregnant during all of this? You guys must be freaking out right? The answer is honestly no, not even for a second. Things are certainly odd right now – for example, I’m not allowed to go into Mary’s appointments with her which is a bummer. However, we both share the opinion that Mary is strong and healthy and even if something were to happen, we would deal with it then. Panicking about every possibility is pointless and we choose to focus on the fact we will have a beautiful little lady in our lives soon!
Some quotes I love? “Live free or die; death is not the worst of evils.” – General John Stark
“Sometimes we’re tested not to show our weaknesses, but to discover our strengths.”
“The great revolution in the history of man, past, present and future, is the revolution
of those determined to be free.” – John F. Kennedy
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- Don’t forget to follow Dr. Kenney on Instagram @Coloradochiropractor
- To see previous Friday 5 Spots, visit www.newbodychiro.com and go to “blog”
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